
Gweneth Malmquist

g(m) = Software Engineer g(m) =.Computer Scientist

I am a Georgia Tech alumnus (B.S. of Computer Science), and a Software Engineer at Square, Inc. For more details regarding my academic and professional achievements, see LinkedIn.

I take a great interest in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics. Artificial Intelligence, broadly speaking, is the field of using clever heuristics and approximations to solve hard problems (frequently ) in reasonable amounts of time (and space). Computer Graphics, as I like to describe it, is the field of using math to make pretty pictures, though it is somewhat broader than that. Computer Graphics also overlaps quite a bit with Computational Geometry. Where Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics meet, things really get interesting, which is why I hope to experiment more with Computer Vision.

Having graduated from Tech, but with an undiminished desire to learn, I am continuing to pursue the subjects above in my off-time. This website is largely here to consolidate the results of those pursuits, and to showcase some of my work from when I was still in school.

I was also a teaching assistant for Computer Graphics at Tech for two years, working with Professors Greg Turk and Jarek Rossignac. I love teaching and helping others learn, so I also occasionally upload notes here on various topics within my expertise, with the hopes that others (whether they are students or merely curious) will benefit from them.